All proposed Fellowship/Professional Growth/Staff Development initiatives must address needs, challenges and concerns to enhance the learning experience. The initiative provides funds for campus and/or staff to further develop professional staff development opportunities that complement the District’s Mission, Strategic Plan and Campus Improvement. Fellowship - Professional Growth initiatives may include, but are not limited to, Conferences, training in which a certificate of completion is awarded, CEU’s, Credits earned towards a degree plan, or any identified and approved campus or district staff development. The number of initiatives funded will depend upon available funds. Grant proposals will be judged based on potential to impact classroom instruction and may not replace normal funding from tax-based sources. The proposal must describe some quantitative and/or qualitative method to evaluate the success of the project. Initiatives may cover travel, consulting fees and Honorariums. Single events must be justifiable.
Applicants must have taught in the district for a minimum of 2 years and demonstrate the following: outstanding teaching ability, participation in school and community organizations and activities, and leadership ability. Staff development is available for either a Campus Principal or District Administrator to apply for training/program development initiatives designed to complement the district's mission, strategic plan and campus improvement plans. Simultaneous funding of programs for the same individual, department team or campus will not be accepted.
**Until further notice for consideration of a Staff Development Grant award, apply under the Instructional grant award application by following the link below.**