"We explored science areas with more purpose and went further in our teaching which created more opportunities fr the students to discover their own interests and passions for Space Sciences. As a Science teacher I had no idea how many of my current and past students not only have an interest in these ideas and career paths, but also have talents and skills that could have easily been overlooked had we not attended Space Camp for Educators"
AWARD UPDATE: "I was awarded another grant this year from SEF!! I get to now help other Sanger ISD Science teachers go to the US Space and Rocket Center this summer and I 'm so STINKING EXCITED!!!" Brandie Kitchens, CCI Science Teacher
All Grant Applications are due the FIRST Monday in February.
For 2024-2025 all applications for consideration of District Grant, Professional Growth and Student Enrichment initiatives must apply under the Instructional Grant Application and are due the FIRST MONDAY in February.
Grant Funding Award Programs
The Foundation and it’s donors believe innovative and creative approaches to teaching can benefit our students immensely. The this end, the foundation has developed several grant programs to meet the diverse need of our growing district. District Staff can apply for Instructional Initiatives that go above and beyond what the district can provide in the normal everyday learning environment. We award innovative and creative supplemental instructional programs from K-12 grade available to all Sanger ISD Campuses. In addition we offer the Student Enrichment Initiatives Program. Student Enrichment provides funding for enrichment opportunities that are above and beyond regular, remedial or required studies and is available to K-11 grade students who desire to expand their learning outside of Sanger ISD with summer camp opportunities, distance learning or participating in a once in a life time learning opportunity. We also offer an opportunity for Staff Development, Staff Fellowships and Professional Growth to our district staff. For a complete listing of 2024-2025 Grant and Scholarship recipients, click https://sangereducationfoundation.org/file_download/74c88f3a-c52e-48c1-bb9e-5a9412649cc3
Grant Opportunities
All Foundation Programs support and align with the District’s mission and the District’s Strategic Plan to promote educational excellence and to enhance lifelong learning. Programs are implemented as funds were made available or as they were endowed.
District Initiatives to Promote Instructional Enhancement provide funds for specific initiatives that align with the Sanger Independent School District’s Strategic Plan. Initiatives include programs for instructional development that directly affect students learning.
Instructional Initiatives provide funds for campus and/or staff to develop instructional opportunities that complement the Sanger Independent School District’s mission, Strategic Plan and Campus Improvement Plan. Instructional initiatives may include, but are not limited to, math and science labs, technology, fine arts, career and technology.
Professional Growth Grants provide funds for district staff to pursue additional education in the teaching profession such as obtaining bachelor or higher degrees. Grant may also be used for seminars, workshops or conferences in areas of specialization or for certification in a program aligning with the District’s Strategic Plan.
Student Enrichment provide funds for current K-11th grade students, campus and/or staff for student enrichment learning opportunities and/or activities that complement the District’s Mission, Strategic Plan and Campus Improvement in supporting Fine Arts, STEM, Leadership Academies, Advance Placement, Duel Credit, etc. Student Enrichment activities may include, but are not limited to; Elementary – Field trips to museums, exhibits or special events & Mobile interactive exhibits brought to a campus; Intermediate/Middle – Guest speakers, Mobile interactive exhibits brought to campus STEM Summer Camp registration fees & Field trip to museums, exhibits or special events. High School – Fee reimbursement for Advanced Placement Exam – Student(s), Summer Leadership Camps – Boys State, Girls State, STEM Summer Camp registration fees, Guest Speakers – Campus, Field trips to local colleges for enrichment exposure including, but not limited to health sciences, engineering, research, design, culinary, fine arts, digital media and technical certifications & for Advance Placement. The number of initiatives funded will depend upon available funds which will be awarded annually. Keep in mind this is an INSTRUCTIONAL Initiative directed to maximize STUDENT ENRICHMENT for independent student achievement, offering yet another funding opportunity to enhance the education of our students.